Will I receive an email confirmation after placing my order?

Once you place your order with us you will receive an email with your order information.

Will I be notified when my package is shipped?

Within 48 business hours after receiving the order confirmation your item will be shipped and you will receive a separate email with your shipping details including your shipping tracking number. If you have ordered multiple items, you may receive additional emails for each item.

How can I find out the status of my order?

Please allow upwards of 48 business hours for your item to be shipped. Once the item is shipped, we will email you a status update which will include a shipment tracking number. You may also inquire on the status of the order by visiting our Order Status page.

What conditions are these items in?

All of the items offered for sale on the TunerRack.com store is 100% brand new.

Will your parts void my factory vehicle warranty?

Please note that some of the items available on the TunerRack.com store may require some modifications to your vehicle and may void your factory warranty when installed. For more information please consult with your vehicle manufacturer.

What is your warranty policy?

By purchasing parts, purchasers expressly acknowledge, understand and agree that they take, select & purchase any part from TunerRack and its affiliates, distributors, and agents "As is" and "With all faults." The entire risk as to the quality and performance of any parts is with the purchasers. Should the parts prove defective following the purchase the purchaser assumes the entire cost for all necessary servicing, repair, replacement of any resulting liability. TunerRack makes no warranties whatsoever, expressed or implied, oral or written, to purchasers or any user of these parts. TunerRack disclaims any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, including fitness of any vehicle performance parts. If you have received your item damaged as a result of improper handling during shipping please contact our support staff.